Can you believe it? We’ve finally made it to 2025! I don’t know about you, but I am so glad to be stepping out of 2024. What a year, right? In so many ways, it was powerful and transformative, but also deeply challenging. Today, I just felt the need to sit down and have a little talk story with you—because this new year feels like such an important shift.
Reflecting on 2024
In January of 2024, I spoke about it being the year of the feminine and a year of transformation. In numerology, 2024 was an “8” year, which represents the Feminine. And it was, just not moving through this time of transformation as quickly as I had envisioned and hoped. Instead, it felt like a year where so many of us were being called to step into our power—but not without so many challenges, seeming to hold us back. Personally, the last four months of the year were some of the hardest I’ve experienced in a long time. It felt like everything was falling apart.
But as I meditated and sought inner and outer guidance, I kept hearing the same message: This is the work of transformation. Before we can rise up like the phoenix, we must burn away what no longer serves us. And that’s exactly what 2024 was—a pivotal time to confront our shadows, get clear on what has been holding us back from being our Authentic Selves, and with a spark of inner knowing beginning to push us in seeing our true dream for the world we desire to live.
As we have just stepped into 2025, I can feel the energy has shifted. It’s now a time to move forward - taking what we learned and experienced in 2024, into action—not in a pressured, frantic way, but in a grounded, intentional way. This is the year to tune into your heart and your gut, to ask yourself what truly brings you joy, and then take inspired steps to create that in your life.
A Message from the Ancestors
Nature always has a way of guiding us, doesn’t it? As 2024 ended, Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess of fire and transformation, began erupting on the Big Island, sending molten lava high into the sky. It felt like a message straight from the ancestors/the Powers that Be: Rise up. Ignite your brilliance. Step into your greatness. Shine your light that is needed in the world, Now More Than Ever!!!!
This isn’t about New Year’s resolutions or adding more pressure to your life. It’s about listening to your heart, trusting your intuition, and aligning your mind, body, and spirit to create a life that feels true to you. In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, harmony is being in alignment through a deep connection with your na'au (your "gut feelings"), your pu'uwai (heart) and your mana'o (mind). It’s about being guided by your inner knowing with your mind, emotions and heart supporting you in following it by taking the action needed.
What’s Ahead with The Heart of Aloha
This year, I’m fully committed to now taking my next step in the action needed to be of service to women. It is the Feminine Essence that is going to bring harmony and balance back to our world and this is now the time to take the action to do that - individually and in Sisterhood together.
If you are Ready and have the Want to be that Phoenix Rising in 2025, I have Tools with this Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom to support you in making this happen - to Ignite Your Inner Brilliance as the Expression of Your Greatness (Your Divine Feminine) and live your unwavering purpose with confidence and clarity.
This will be offered with the Heart of Aloha Sacred Sisterhood Circles, and Retreats to Celebrate Your Divine Feminine through participating in an ancient Full Moon Ceremony; and in Private Mentorship Sessions and Programs. I am also completing an E-Book, The 3 Keys to A Positive Mindset Makeover: Living the Ancient Wisdom of Aloha.
An emphasis will be on the Sacred Sisterhood Gatherings with monthly opportunities where you can join us in Circle and a Mastermind group that will be starting in February. These Gatherings are important because this is also the time to heal the Sister Wound we have been in for generations, with the lingering pain from living in a world where women have been taught to distrust and compete with each other instead of finding love, support and Sisterhood. I am also excited to finally be completing an e-book - The 3 Keys to A Positive Mindset Makeover: Living the Ancient Wisdom of Aloha - that will be available soon.
And perhaps we will connect in a conversation or with you following along to learn more about these teachings and ancient wisdom with these blogs and videos I will be sharing. In whatever way your na'au is guiding you, with the support of your pu'uwai and mana'o, know that you are part of this Heart of Aloha 'Ohana, as we now take actio in this continued consciousness transformation into a new Era and Cycle of Harmony, Balance and Abundance.
Let’s make 2025 a year of love, transformation and connection, together!
Aloha Nui Loa and Mau Loa! (Much Love Always!!!
P.S. If you’d like to find out more about the Aloha Sacred Sisterhood Circles and other Upcoming Events and Offerings, check out my website - theHeartofAloha.com