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Attn Women: Are you lost in your voice always sounding small and weak or being totally silent when you need it the most? 

From Silence to Strength
The 3 Steps to:
Ignite Your Inner Brilliance
Speak Your Truth with Confidence & Power

Live Each Moment in Joyful Positivity

A FREE Online Masterclass
Tuesday, July 10   6:30 to 8:00 pm EST  or

Saturday, July 14   10:30am to 12noon EST 


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For Women Ready to
Rise Up Out of Negative Thinking & Conditioning
to Shine Your Light with Joy & Positivity

Bless the Present - Trust Yourself - Expect the Best
in Every Moment of Your Life

with Kaleo Wheeler
Spiritual Thought Leader &
Positive Mindset Mentor

Join us for this Transformative Masterclass

and Be the Master Creator of Your Chosen Life!

You will learn how to experience a profound shift in your mindset, free of limitations,
to step into a life where joy, positivity and abundance is your daily reality


  • Discover the spiritually pragmatic teachings and practices of the Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom of Aloha Lokahi, with its original practices of Ho’opono Pono Ke Ala, Making Right More Right, the Path to accepting your perfection and Inner Brilliance; and one of the oldest forms of the Law of Attraction - The Hawaiian "Smiling Law" of Manifestation.


  • Recognize that you have full control over your life and can create anything you choose - including the world and life you so passionately desire


  • Embrace the trust and acceptance of the Uniqueness of YOU in Your Inherent Perfection and Greatness


  • Be the Master Creator of Living the Life You Choose, bringing your unique gifts and creative expression into all areas of your life and in helping to bring Balance and Harmony to the world around you.


It's A New Era

We are in a major time of transformation on our planet that the ancient spiritual indigenous traditions have been predicting for generations. They have also predicted that this transformation will come through the Feminine, with it rising now out of the suppression it has been in for so many generations.


And this starts with each of us, as women, choosing to turn away from the mindset and negative inner chatter of limitation and self-doubt that we have been conditioned to believe is our only reality, and step into a new mindset and lifestyle where we can experience a world of Joy, Positivity & Limitless Possiblities.

In this 3 Steps From Silence to Strength Masterclass,
you will also find out how to...

  • Liberate yourself from the world of limitation, fear, and negativity that has held you back for far too long through the Hawaiian Ancient Wisdom of Living Aloha and the "Smiling Law" of Attraction and Manifestation.  â€‹â€‹


  • Harness the strength of self-compassion. Learn how to cultivate a nurturing and supportive relationship with yourself, banishing the inner critic and replacing it with a loving and encouraging voice - your Inner Best Friend.


  • Discover your voice  as Your Most Personal Self-Image that Projects "You" Out to the World as your "vocal" fingerprint".  


  • Experience the power of your voice when you bring its together with vibration of the Hawaiian "Living Language" of joy and positivity


  • Become more lovingly conscious of your voice and communicate more effectively and be more confident in speaking up for yourself to elicit respect and to influence others to create the life you choose.


  • Embrace a life filled with joy and positivity. Gain practical tools and techniques to shift your mindset to living with a positive outlook on life on a daily basis.


​Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity to move From Silence to Strength and Speak Your Truth with Confidence and Power to Be Heard, Accepted and Respected​​

People Are Saying

The Masterclass was powerful, insightful and very practical.  Not only were ways outlined to diminish my negative "scripts" and gain positive ones, concrete strategies were also given to keep implementing these new ways into my everyday life.  Discussions were life-affirming and thoughtful, and I have come away with so many practical ways to deal with my anxious thoughts as I keep working on "Embracing My Inner Best Friend".  Thank you, Kaleo              -Cindy F. Spartanburg SC



Kaleo is an incredible guide and a true inspiration to help women to gracefully live their best life through these wonderful spiritual practices. It has been life-changing for me with a system that is so doable and practical to work with.                                                                                                                                  -Andrea G, Asheville NC

JOIN THIS Online FREE Masterclass

From Silence to Strength
The 3 Steps to:
Ignite Your Inner Brilliance
Live Each Moment in Joyful Positivity
Be a Woman Empowered

Tuesday, July 9   6:30 - 8:00 pm EST


Saturday,   July 13  10:30 am to 12 noon EST



Kaleo Wheeler

Spiritual Thought Leader &

Positive Mindset Mentor

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He 'Olina Leo Ka Ke Aloha - Joy is the Voice of Love



2024 by The Heart of Aloha, created by

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